13th December 2022

Thanks to everyone for kind words, thoughts, prayers, cards and flowers. It does really help at this time x x x Just knowing you are there for Martin Sheriff, Craig Sheriff and I There were NOT too many true friends in Roberts life, to those of you that were, THANK YOU but unfortunately there were the takers, the users of his vulnerability, the drug suppliers that made money out of him as well as taking his precious valuables, and the thugs that hurt my beautiful boy. You know who you are and may every one of you that took advantage of his big kind heart and generosity think about what you did and I would say live with it but you wont care....... how sad this world can be eh? Thankfully for every bad there is a good x He was not perfect, he was ill and the only solace we can find is that he is no longer in turmoil in his mind and we dont have to worry about which drug dealer or scum is taking advantage anymore. He always has been, and always will be, our boy x with a special place within our hearts, his love and generosity were massive and his loyalty never ending (much to his own demise unfortunately) May his spirit be where he wanted it to be, with his Big Nan and the other loved ones lost x x My heart is truly broken and I will live by my own words "God only deals what each of us can handle" So together as a family, with the love from our friends WILL get through this x Mum & Dad x